30 May 2011

Bird Barrage...Small Stuff

With the first day of 95 degree temperatures upon us I am hiding in the A/C and numbing my brain with too much photography/computer time. Here are some of the smaller pieces from the firing. There are still mediums and larges to come!
Of course, you should click on the images to enlarge them. It's one of the few things I can make Blogger do.
 Xena (detail)
Zelda & Yvonne (8"h)
Francis (10.5"h)
Carafes (7"h)
Dirk ((9.5"h) he gets a feather in his hat when I find the right one
Kirby, Francis & Celia (8"-10.5"h)
Xena (11"h)
Celia (detail) that's supposed to be Milway's fish!
Roger ((9.5"h)
Max (9.5"h)
Francis (detail)


FetishGhost said...

The work is amazing Dan, but the glazing is GORGEOUS!

cookingwithgas said...

BARVO! Wonderful!
You should be very pleased with this round.

Dennis Allen said...

I've run out of adequate superlatives. I'll have to get back to you on these.

Hollis Engley said...

I agree with Merdith - BARBO!

Joe and Christy said...

I love them..

Anna M. Branner said...

Absolutely perfect.

ang design said...

awesome images dan...glad you have blogger in your hands the pics are great big!!! love the crackle across the feathers too..

gz said...


"a Flight of Fancy" ??!

Hannah said...

Oh Zelda! How lovely you are.

Christine said...

If I had seen such colours as these earlier in my life it might have changed the course of my potting life, (firing temperature/method wise). They are just beautiful.

Quietly Otaku said...

wow amazing work, I think my favorites are all ones that have lighter glaze colours. I think its because it picks out the detail of the birds. lovely!

Anonymous said...

Dan, I hope they come close to everything you were hoping for. Those of us out here looking at them cannot imagine that they could look any better than they do. Really fantastic stuff.

Tom said...

Wonderful images, wonderful work!!!!

gallagherpots said...

Love them all but the carafe's are my favorite!