My second to youngest brother, called Tim-mo by our grandfather, is 50 years old today. It kind of hurts...thinking of how fast life moves. But move it must and a lot has happened since my last post.
The 2nd Annual Pottery on the Hill show was another great event. Last year we were inventing everything, while this year, with a solid plan in place, we were able to make some improvements and add some events which added value to the whole week-end.
Mark and Carol Hewitt joined the same group of potters from last year and were a wonderful addition. Sales were up 25% and we sold one of Mark's giant pots! I had fun delivering it.
We were also joined by Cheyenne Kim, master flower arranger, who led 2 workshops for more than 70 people, demonstrating a wide range of ideas for arranging in hand made pots. He was delightful and the arrangements in our displays added a lovely touch.
Chris Cooley was our special guest on saturday. Chris recently retired from his career as a professional football player and now devotes all of his free time to making pots and running a gallery in Leesburg, Virginia. He gave 2 charming and informal talks about his love of art and craft and his particular interest in making pots.
One of the nice things about the scale of the show (15 exhibitors) is that we can all go have a meal together, and being in Washington, DC that's an easy thing to do. Great conversation and a relaxed pace made for another fine week-end.
Since then I've feel like I've been catching up on years of odds and ends. With LibertyTown behind me and nothing on my calendar until April I am enjoying myself immensely, slowing down just a bit and trying to savor the days.
As the winter weather is taking hold, I'm heading back indoors to the studio and a pile of new ideas to explore.
Mark and Warren with one of Mark's giant pieces! |
Some of my work. |
Louise Cort holding court with Ryan and Matthew. |
The first bird holding a book. Made in England summer 2013. |
...and the first 'Library Bird' |
Another view with spectacles that look like a bicycle. |
I put this together in September, but just finished it this week. |
A brand spanking new stools. |
New fence. |
New stoking lounge. |
And a visit from Fiona and Simon from England! |