I'm happy to direct you to my long-time pottery friend Hollis Engley's new blog. Hollis was a good writer long before he made pots...blogging was made for him! We used to wood fire together and he helped me build my kiln. He makes pots on Cape Cod which is too far away but
a nice place to visit.
I came across Hatchville Pottery's website one day while looking around on google for something else entirely.Love the work and emailed the link to a friend who adores shino. Thanks for the blog link, I had forgotten about this website, it was nice to revisit!
So I did my daily check-in at your blog to see what was on your mind today ... and damned if my own face didn't greet me. Thanks for the nice words, Daniel, and for putting those pots on your blog. I'm honored. They just came from the kiln last week. Now ... to make more.
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