02 August 2008

Ancient History

Michael Cardew - Sid Tustin - Ray Finch

Shortly before Sid retired, Michael visited Winchcombe, and this photo, which represents more than 150 years of pottery making, is a rare one. Michael sold the pottery to Ray in 1946. Sid retired in 1978 after 51 years. He made a million pots in his lifetime!

Below is Eddie Hopkins, who died last year quite tragically in the terrible floods that hit the Cotswolds. Eddie first made pots at the nearby Prinknash Abbey, where he had been sent as a result of a wee bit of trouble. Ray later offered him a job and he was the most productive member of the team for many years. He was an extraordinary fellow who could make pots, talk non-stop and listen to the cricket match at the same time. His throwing was beautiful. He's making mugs here and would throw and handle 500 of them in a week...with time to spare! Of all the great potters at WP, he took the biggest interest in showing me how to make good pots...and handles. I'll have to write about him again. The stories are endless.


Patricia Griffin Ceramics said...

What a great pottery legacy you have to share. Love reading about that. Thanks!

Matt Grimmitt said...

Hi Dan,

Have been reading your blog for a while now, the old Stories from Winchcombe are brilliant. Thanks for sharing them.
