I grew up in the land of snow, but here in Virginia it is a rare thing. It is even rarer in England , but this winter has been an exception. Georgie, here, often gives Toff his making list and on this day asked him to make a snow jug...that led to the teapot. They are handsome...just outside the showroom in Conderton.

Over the years I've been drawn and painted and photographed by lots of folks in lots a ways. It's the big beard factor, I suppose. Anyway, here's a new approach. Mathew Seaver using sponge and water on a canvas covered table (Matt is the son of Elizabeth, our Artist-in-Residence at LTown).

This is a sneak preview of my newest project...'The Alphabet Forest'! Where else did you think that words came from?

Over the years I've been drawn and painted and photographed by lots of folks in lots a ways. It's the big beard factor, I suppose. Anyway, here's a new approach. Mathew Seaver using sponge and water on a canvas covered table (Matt is the son of Elizabeth, our Artist-in-Residence at LTown).
This is a sneak preview of my newest project...'The Alphabet Forest'! Where else did you think that words came from?
I've heard you describe the alphabet forest--great to see the pictures!
I'd love to read that forest! Since books come from trees, I guess you're write about the alphabet ! Oh I mean right, right?
Also, I don't think I've ever seen a snow jug or teapot. Another first for the pottery bloggery!
How's the beard anyway? Has it been cleared, or smeared, lately?
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