For more than 30 years the Christmas season has been a frantic time of making, firing and selling for me so it has been odd to spend this season so sedately. Several of the wonderful gifts I received yesterday seemed to have a theme that I will call "Yes You Had Surgery, Now Get Back In The Studio and Fire That Kiln". And gifts came in unique pairs this year.
Below are the two pairs of hand knitted fingerless gloves I was given. Both are intended for loading wood-fired kilns in the winter. I was hoping to wait until the spring, but how can I delay when I now have the perfect equipment?
I also received two different night shirts! Having been a patient for the first time in my life I took to wearing an ancient one I owned. My friends are making some sort of statement that I'd rather not interpret! My legs dangling at the bottom of a nightshirt is not a pretty sight!
I also got two amazing pots and I'll give you a gander at them tomorrow.
These are Susan Wyatt's very first effort to make gloves and they are tres' cool. All cotton (I can't bear scratchy wool) and illustrated with flickering flames of fire and the words 'WOOD FIRE' written across the knuckles like a prison tattoo. I do have pinkey fingers, by the way. We've agreed that I have to grow them longer or Susan has to make them shorter...

Anna Branner's have a new wrinkle that I've never seen fingers at all. The yarn is hand spun but I haven't had the chance to ask her if it was spun by herself. My guess is yes...she, like Susan, does many things well. Including her new blog which we have yet to discuss, but I encourage you to take a look. I'm not always easy to give gifts to as I'm a bit particular, but this was a stellar year. Yet another reason to be thankful!

Below are the two pairs of hand knitted fingerless gloves I was given. Both are intended for loading wood-fired kilns in the winter. I was hoping to wait until the spring, but how can I delay when I now have the perfect equipment?
I also received two different night shirts! Having been a patient for the first time in my life I took to wearing an ancient one I owned. My friends are making some sort of statement that I'd rather not interpret! My legs dangling at the bottom of a nightshirt is not a pretty sight!
I also got two amazing pots and I'll give you a gander at them tomorrow.
These are Susan Wyatt's very first effort to make gloves and they are tres' cool. All cotton (I can't bear scratchy wool) and illustrated with flickering flames of fire and the words 'WOOD FIRE' written across the knuckles like a prison tattoo. I do have pinkey fingers, by the way. We've agreed that I have to grow them longer or Susan has to make them shorter...
Anna Branner's have a new wrinkle that I've never seen fingers at all. The yarn is hand spun but I haven't had the chance to ask her if it was spun by herself. My guess is yes...she, like Susan, does many things well. Including her new blog which we have yet to discuss, but I encourage you to take a look. I'm not always easy to give gifts to as I'm a bit particular, but this was a stellar year. Yet another reason to be thankful!
Yup, handspun by me. I hope they arent too scratchy. :) Thanks for mentioning my fledgling blog. The link doesnt seem to work. Is it me?
Link is fixed...of course it was me.
love the gloves!
Wow, What wonderful gifts! (and friends) I wonder if I could get some customized right handed gloves with a modified index finger?
Great gloves and great blog Anna, will be checking in again soon.
Nothing like handmade gifts, eh? And that yarn on Anna's gloves is particularly beautiful. Dee's almost finished with a sweater of green hand-spun yarn from the Vineyard. Knitting seems to be popular again, and we benefit.
and Dee says she wants to buy some of Anna's yarn if she's ever in a selling mood.
I spent the evening catching up on blogs and always enjoy reading yours. So sorry to hear that you had to take some time off but WOW, what support you have and great friends. I heard so many good things about you from my pottery pal Julie Wiggins...she enjoyed a workshop she did with you many years ago at Penland.
Anyways...good luck getting back to work, always enjoy looking at your pots!
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