Today is the first day of spring and everyone and everything seems to have gotten the memo. Trees and bulbs and bushes are suddenly in bloom, rabbits are everywhere, a couple of red-tail hawks were courting overhead and lovely temperate weather seems to be here for awhile. Here in Virginia, we always hope that spring lasts for more than a week or two before summer bears down on us!

The last month has been close to frantic...lots of traveling (something like 10,000 miles) and now that I'm back home I'm loading the kiln for a firing next week. This is the official 'before' photo. #6 in a series.

I decided to set the salt chamber first this time instead of the wood. Trying to change the luck...or karma...or feng shui or whatever it was that undermined the last firing. This is the back two shelves loaded. I'm the second slowest kiln loader I know; Toff is even slower...I hope.
I'm still trying to leave more space between and among.

The last month has been close to frantic...lots of traveling (something like 10,000 miles) and now that I'm back home I'm loading the kiln for a firing next week. This is the official 'before' photo. #6 in a series.
I decided to set the salt chamber first this time instead of the wood. Trying to change the luck...or karma...or feng shui or whatever it was that undermined the last firing. This is the back two shelves loaded. I'm the second slowest kiln loader I know; Toff is even slower...I hope.
I'm still trying to leave more space between and among.
1 comment:
Good to get back to work, isn't it? I just dry-stacked most of my kiln to see if I have enough bisque to fire without making new pots. Looks like I do, especially adding your demo pots. Gotta get those copper reds in there ...
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