In case you just crawled out from under a rock you should know that these two charming British potters will be in residence at LibertyTown Arts Workshop in Fredericksburg, Virginia next weekend.

Fredericksburg is just one hour south of washington, DC and we still have space available.
The weekend package cost $150.00 which includes a reception friday evening, demonstrations on Saturday and Sunday and a cookout on Saturday night. As an extra special bonus, the oldest frisbee tournament in America is happening just across the river and we may have to drop in on those old (and young) hippies!
Contact us at 540-371-7255 Don't delay!!
(I apologize to Doug and Hannah about the photos...I grabbed them off of the web)
Can't wait.
We're hoping they still have energy left when they get there, Daniel. We're doing our best to wear them out up here on the Cape.
Will Laszlo's Weinie World be open at the frisbee tourney?
These two are are certainly getting around, have Fun.
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