I am slowly getting obsessed with making books. And like usual, I'm playing with different sizes, from mini to (eventually) maxi. I made these tiny ones first, partly to work out the different elements that make up a book. My plan was to create a book as a pedestal for the birds, using titles that might even suggest that irony ensues.
These are petite...and solid. Up to 3" |
Now I'm building them bigger, from slabs, with internal structure to keep the shape from sagging.
This is the first slab built (as in hollow) book. I showed it previously, before adding the bird. |
Once I looked at the two together, I felt that I had to cut an opening and make the bird a lid. I guess that makes it an inkwell? |
There is a classic photo of a German (or is it Belgian?) salt glazed flask that I have long admired. Like most of my best ideas, it starts in medieval Europe. I've had it in mind to make some for years. That's the great thing about a long career in clay, plenty of time to get to most of the intriguing ideas that tickle one's fancy.
Here's the newest one. Even bigger. |
There are butterflies and dragonflies everywhere, even by my wheel. |
I would hide candy from Greg in that book!
beautiful butterfly.
birds and books going well, good!
a great place for hidden treasures. The combo of bird and book works quiet well.
Spot on...
Dan, the book development sounds very exciting! Have you seen the "Rockingham" book flasks made here in America? (http://www.crockerfarm.com/antiques-auction/2011-06-04/lot-264/Three-Rockingham-Book-Flasks/)
Many of the book flasks have comical titles like "Departed Spirits" and such. I can't wait to see how they look when they get fired!
Love the ink well book bird. Fab. reminds me of Professor Yaffle (not my van but the one I named the van after).
I rarely comment on blogs, so please forgive me...I just can't resist sharing an alternate perspective... that your "ink well" looks a bit like a loo for that bird ;-) Could be fun to place a bit of glass to melt there in the book for a surprise when someone peaks in.
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