I just read Michael Kline's fine article in Studio Potter on pottery and blogging and he does a good job of describing why I find this an interesting exercise (michaelklinepottery.blogspot.com). It's a little bit like teaching a workshop. By articulating the thoughts that bounce around in my head while throwing pots on the wheel, stacking wood or whatever the day might hold, I find that it brings a certain clarity to my ideas and direction. And it's a great personal record/journal. I do believe I'm getting more forgetful as time goes by and now that I only fire 3 or 4 times a year, it's really useful to be able to look back while moving forward.
I'm not sure if this will be of interest to anyone but myself, but if you're so inclined, I welcome you to come back and see what's going on...both in the pottery and at LibertyTown!
I'm not sure if this will be of interest to anyone but myself, but if you're so inclined, I welcome you to come back and see what's going on...both in the pottery and at LibertyTown!
Here's a few more photos from firing #4.

Greetings from Somerset in England. I love the Tea pots.
Hi Dan,
Thanks for inviting me to have a look at your blog. Well done. I've taken to blogging as well, though I began by kicking and screaming. The Blogosphere really isn't so bad. For me, blogging is like writing a weekly column--okay, an every-few-weeks column. And then of course once you build a following, you're invited by other bloggers to "guest" blog, so see, soon we'll never have to leave our computer seats. ;)
Nice new stuff Dan. I really like the fact you're blogging. I just got into myself and find it helps the whole creative process in some ways.
Thanks, Paul, I learned every thing I know about teapots from Ray Finch and Toff Milway. I'm still trying to make one to that high standard!
Hello to steamy F-burg from cool Cape Cod, Daniel. Nice pots from that kiln. I like the mugs. Love the mugs, in fact. And Dee's comment when she heard you were blogging, "What!?!? The Luddite Finnegan is on the computer???" You've inspired me to set up my own blog. Now to figure out how to post photos and to see if I have anything to say.
Hollis Engley
Hatchville Pottery
E. Falmouth, MA
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